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Posted by on 2014/01/28 under Uncategorized

Why I hate high school:
1. People. We’re crammed in a classroom with roughly between 25 and 30 teenagers. Hormones fly. Jealous, horny, fake, most adjectives could be added to this list.
2. Homework. We’re in that school 8 hours everyday. You get home, and now you want a social life? Good luck. You’re teachers send school home with you.
3. Teachers. Some may be awesome, some may be decent, and others are dreadful. The teacher/student ratio is usually not very great. Each teacher generally has one or two teaching styles. That’s a problem because with 30 students there’s going to be many different types of learning styles within the class.
4. Bullying. Not the right clothes, hair, or face? Don’t worry, you won’t go a month without hearing it, maybe less. Telling a teacher or counselor? Get ready to be called a snitch, nark, or even tattle tale is probably still used.
5. Objectification. This is when, by those around you, you’re viewed as a sexual object. Teenage guys are especially the worst offenders of this, and we’re still thrown into a whole mess of them. This goes back to the aforementioned “horny” people.
6. Finals. This is the test of everything you’ve learned throughout the semester. I find this hard because if you’re in a required class, World Lit for example, and you have no interest in English whatsoever, you’re going to be cramming, or you’re not going to care. So you’re grade drops 10%.
7. Electives. The school budgets are not great. What gets cut? Electives. These are you’re main chances in high school to find what interests you for your future.
8. Early bird gets the worm! WRONG. Early bird, at least for teenagers, is tired and cranky. It’s scientifically proven it’s just against our nature to get up early. That doesn’t mean you can’t train your internal clock, but if you want enough sleep and a social life you’ll need to skip homework. Not to mention breakfast is given up more times than not when trying to save time.
9. Dating. This is horrible. I see it in the hallways all the time. PDA. It’s honestly gross. Everyone has an opinion on the couples like “gross,” or “ew.” Not to mention names the girls get called (i.e. slut, hoe, whore). Most teens, especially boys are not ready for any type of long term commitment.
10. Phones. Now this one isn’t that big of a deal, but times have changed and a hell of a lot more teenagers have cell phones now. Being able to pull out our phones in class would be nice, at least when the teacher is done lecturing. Between classes shouldn’t be a problem. This way when the office doesn’t let you use the phone, you don’t need to hide in the bathroom while calling your mom.

One thought on “High school.

  1. Anonymous says:

    This might sound dumb… but why not think of things positively? I mean, you can’t do anything about being in high school. So why not make the experience a good one?

    1. People. People are beautiful. We all are. Sometimes there are people you hate but really? There is no reason to really hate anyone. When a person smiles… there is nothing better. Try to get along with some of the people around you in school. Some people have amazing stories, and the people you ignore could be some of the most wonderful people you meet.

    2. Yes homework sucks. It really does! But just get it done. Pretend like you enjoy it and do it. Come home and get it done so you don’t have to think about it. Blast some music and knock it out.

    3. Teachers are there to teach you. Be their friend. Ask them questions. Do not fear them for it is their job to give you knowledge.

    4. Yes bullying does happen and it makes me very sad. But stand up for yourself and more importantly stand up for others! You have the power to change things and make a big impact even if you think you do not.

    5. I hate this as well and it has always been a pet peeve of mine. Yes there are rules to follow like every other school. It’s just kind of a thing. But when you are out of school.. wear what you want and stop worrying about what people say or think or feel.

    6. Finals suck but not if you prepare! plan ahead of time and they are a piece of cake.

    7. Electives getting cut is not the end of the world. more of that will come in college. High school is for knocking out the basics and learning your s*** before the big things come up. The cutting of electives might ease the load as well!

    8. There is a way to wake up early and it’s calling organization. You can go to bed at a decent time if you get all of your work done! We all have those tired days but think about if school started in the middle of the day.. it would suck getting home at dinner time! Just be happy you are getting it over with.

    9. Eh.. other people and their relationships shouldn’t be anyone else’s business. I met my boyfriend in high school and he was obviously ready for long term commitment! We are in our third year of college and still going strong! Just ignore it if it bothers you but there isn’t much you can do about it.

    10. The phone this is annoying I agree but there is nothing you can do about it unless you want to create a petition and stand up for what you believe in! If you don’t care that much then there is no use worrying

    Those are just my opinion on the matter. Trust me.. I went through that phase of hating high school and it was a waste of my time. I regret not enjoying it because those were days of my life wasted. You never know what will happen in the future so just live in the now and don’t worry too much. high school will end and your life will go on .x

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